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This tutorial introduces the eenvlp R package, designed for multivariate regression: y=Bx+ϵ, y = B x + \epsilon, where:

  • yry\in\mathbb R^r is the vector of response variables,

  • xpx\in\mathbb R^p is the vector of predictor variables,

  • Br×pB\in\mathbb R^{r\times p} is the unknown coefficient matrix, and

  • ϵ\epsilon represents the error term.

The eenvlp package is useful in both low- and high-dimensional scenarios, whether the number of predictors pp is smaller or larger than the number of observations nn.

In this tutorial, we will use the eenvlp package to analyze the cereal dataset and predict its chemical properties based on spectroscopy data.

To get started, load the eenvlp package into your R session:

Data Overview

We will use the cereal dataset, which includes measurements of two chemical properties (starch and ash) along with infrared spectroscopy predictors.

Load and Inspect the Dataset

First, let’s load the dataset and inspect its structure to understand the dimensions of our data:

data(cereal) # load data
n <- nrow(cereal$x) # Number of observations
r <- ncol(cereal$y) # Number of response variables
p <- ncol(cereal$x) # Number of predictors
## n 15
## r: 2
## p: 145

The cereal dataset consists of 15 cereal samples, each with 145 infrared spectra (predictors) and 2 chemical properties (responses). This high-dimensional setting is ideal for demonstrating the capabilities of the eenvlp package.

Goal – Prediction Task

Our goal is to use the enhanced envelope estimator to predict the chemical properties for the first cereal sample. We will split the dataset into a training set and a test set:

# Define training and test sets
X_test <- cereal$x[1,] # The first observation as the test set
Y_test <- cereal$y[1,]
X_train <- cereal$x[-1,] # The remaining observations as the training set
Y_train <- cereal$y[-1,]

Model Fitting – Enhanced Envelope Estimator

To fit the enhanced envelope estimator, we will use cross-validation to select the optimal tuning parameters, λ\lambda (regularization parameter) and uu (dimension of the envelope subspace).

Define Sequences for Tuning Parameters

We begin by defining sequences for λ\lambda and uu:

lambda.seq = 10^(seq(3, -3, length.out=20)) # Sequence of lambda values
u.seq = c(1:r) # Sequence of u values
cv.lamb.env = matrix(NA,length(lambda.seq),length(u.seq))

Cross-Validation for Parameter Selection

Next, we perform cross-validation to find the optimal values for λ\lambda and uu:

set.seed(11111) # Set a seed for reproducibility
  for(i in 1:length(lambda.seq)){
    for(j in 1:length(u.seq)){
      cv.lamb.env[i,j] <- cv_eenvlp(X_train, Y_train, u=u.seq[j], lamb=lambda.seq[i], m=10, nperm=1)

# Identify the optimal parameters
chosen <- which(cv.lamb.env == min(cv.lamb.env), arr.ind=TRUE)
chosen.lamb <- lambda.seq[chosen[1]]
chosen.u <- u.seq[chosen[2]]
## Optimal lambda: 0.004281332
## Optimal u: 1

Fit the eenvlp Model Using Optimal Parameters

With the optimal parameters determined, we fit the eenvlp model:

fit_eenvlp <- eenvlp(X_train, Y_train, u = chosen.u, lamb = chosen.lamb)

Prediction on Test Data

We use the fitted model to predict the chemical properties for the test observation:

predict_eenvlp <- pred_eenvlp(fit_eenvlp, X_test)

Calculate Prediction Error

Finally, we calculate the prediction error to evaluate the model’s performance:

prediction_error <- (predict_eenvlp - Y_test)^2
## Prediction error: 0.03283565 0.2265817